Thursday, April 24, 2014


For the 10 Day News Source my news source(s) were E! News and TMZ. These two sources are celebrity gossip news sources, so 24/7, 24 hours a day all the news you get from these sources is about celebrity's like Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Garner, Lady Ga Ga, Lily Allen, Kelly Clarkson, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, The Kardashians, Kayne West, etc. Just to name a few popular celebs who are always in the pop culture news lately. 

I went back and forth each day between E! News and TMZ. Prior with this I was familiar with both E! and TMZ because I admit I am a movie go-er/ TV addict who oddly has my favorite celebs and it's fun for me to hear the news of what's going on in their life, in any in one day about them. Now, I will say the whole concept of people fantasizing about celebs and people hounding them for a picture of whatever is weird, but at the same time I get why people are so into these celebs. 

There are some big differences between these sources and when it comes to how they portray themselves on TV and the web. E! has been around for a long time and they have moved with the times when it comes to the look of their website and it's neat, professional, and very easy to get around on. Being owned by NBC they are able to be on the red carpets at: Golden Globes, Oscars, Emmy's, SAGS, etc. They are the #1 source it's said for celebrity news. They have an office of professionals that get the latest news and have "friends" or "buddies"; basically sources that are somehow webbed into Hollywood and can confirm or not about what is true and what's not, if there is a question at hand on something.

E! has it's own channel and a number of shows that air on the channel. Besides the show E! News they have Fabulist; all about the latest trends, Guiliana & Bill; reality show about E! anchor Guiliana and her husband Bill, Jessie & Eric; reality show about the country singer and football player, & Total Divas; reality show in the lives of WWE Divas. The very popular family Kardashians have multiple shows with E! There are many more shows that are and have been on E!, but it shows how popular E! is.

TMZ on the other hand... gosh, what do I say? It's just so... gross! I swear a 16 year old teenage boy made the website for him and his buddies to jag off and then some dumb person for Warner Bros. thought, "Hey! Lets buy this celeb website!" So, he and his buddies could jag off. 40% of all the celebrity news they have is about some sex scandal or a new sex tape that has just come out and they give these sketchy, "juicy" details. Some of the news they do is based on a true celeb event, but mainly their stuff they get is from directly the streets of Los Angeles.

TMZ has it's own one hour show on FOX 9 here in Minnesota and also in MN has a radio show on mytalk 107.1. TMZ is a much smaller brand name then E! and in the past has been well criticized and has had some legal problems. The TMZ show different, the small staff gets together and discusses with their boss who always has a marker and coffee thermos in hand about the day's list of event in the lives of celebs. They show camera footage if they have it on a story and basically just sarcastically crack jokes at the celebrity's expense.

With all of this said, I these two sources were not the only ones I saw in one day. Yes, I focused on these two sources, but I was able to catch the 5 o'clock news on WCCO and then E! News at 6 o'clock. Then every so often TMZ at 9 o'clock. I would not recommend people to only focus on these sources because they focus on celebrity's not on the weather, or important news that is happening in Minnesota. The news that changes and impacts your life for now here in MN.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is really on-target, even if it does get a little depressing at times. You illustrate some of the main differences between TMZ and E! Online. TMZ is gross. It makes me uncomfortable almost every time I read it, but it's a major factor in "news" right now. That's so sad, but at the same time, it's what people are choosing to watch.
